Singing Guide: Death Takes A Holiday

Singing Guide: Death Takes A Holiday

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Death Takes a Holiday is a beautiful and unique musical that requires a unique vocal style. To learn how to sing like the characters in this musical, it is important to understand the vocal techniques used in it. Here are some tips and links to Singing Carrots resources to help you learn those techniques.

The music in Death Takes a Holiday requires strong breath support, control, and a good vocal range. One of the most important techniques used in the musical is the use of vibrato. Vibrato adds warmth and character to your singing voice and is used to great effect in Death Takes a Holiday.

To learn how to use vibrato effectively, start by practicing basic breathing exercises and vocal warm-ups to expand your vocal range and support your voice. The following resources from Singing Carrots can help with these techniques:

Once you have mastered breath control, you can start to practice vibrato itself. Singing Carrots offers several videos that can help you develop this technique:

Apart from vocal technique, it is important to understand the character traits of the different roles to get the feel of the musical. This article on Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking can be helpful to understand the importance of "feel" in singing.

Some of the standout songs in the musical are "Alive!", "Shimmy Like They Do In Paree", and "What Do You Do". These songs are high-energy, requiring strong and confident singing while paying special attention to breath control and vibrato.

To find songs that suit your vocal range, you can try Singing Carrots' song search tool which can match songs based on your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty level.

In summary, mastering vibrato and strong breath support are key to singing like a character from Death Takes a Holiday. Combine these techniques with an understanding of the character traits, specific songs, and some vocal exercises, and you will be on your way to singing like the professionals in this unique musical!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.